19 December 2010

Obligatory Generic Old Man

I've modified the basic mesh and refined some edge loops and proportions and now I'm testing shaders for the skin and eyes.

24 November 2010

10 October 2010

Pelican Dropship Unwrapped

Heres a shot of the unwrapped Pelican with a UV distortion map I got from google.

Also I've just notice I've forgotten to update the verion number on the bottom of todays WIP sheets- they should read v620.

Pelican Dropship v620

Although you can't see it from the size of the WIP sheet, I've chamfered all the edges out (hence the massive increase in polygon count) and added a few more edge loops to make the shape smoother as well as added more detail to the engines and the surface of the main body.

6 September 2010

Pelican Dropship v235

The interior is being blocked out for the cockpit- but I'll probably leave it out for final renders as the window reflections will probably mean you can't see it anyway.

27 July 2010

30 June 2010

Textured RAF Seaking

The finished (for now) Seaking. The textures and reflectivity of the blades needs reducing mainly but any further improvements will be made mostly through additional modelling. Since the final shots it was used for mainly show it from the bottom, it will do for now.

17 June 2010

WIP: RAF Seaking Model

This slightly-altered-from-real life Seaking model was created for a module at Staffordshire Uiversity, the finished model was composited into a short film.

10 June 2010

WIP: Terminator AFX Composition

A still frame from a short test sequence in a "complex" comp in After Effects, combining several .EXR passes from Maya. The workflow with so much info and large file sizes is a pain to work with so I'll be switching to Nuke as soon as possible.

WIP: Terminator HDR Test

A very old test using a custom made HDR map to provide reflections for the skulls on the desk. I got good feedback from people ("The skulls aren't real?!") which meant I could progress on the rigging side of the project.

1 June 2010

WIP: Terminator Model

This Termintor model took months to complete, I still don't consider it finished now as I look back on it and realise how the workflow and use of techniques could have been better. I only got round to unwrapping it recently.

10 April 2010

3D Artist- Cityscape

This image was created in Maya over 4 weeks for a uni module and was published in 2009 in 3D Artist Magazine.